Progressive Era - The Jungle
By: Alec Winsor
1. What qualities did Sinclair believe that a person must have to succeed in Packingtown?
- He believed that the person is a knave, a liar, and a deceiver.
- All the plant owner cared about was making as much money for himself as possible, no matter how bad working conditions were.
3. What does Sinclair mean when he says, "…there was no place in it where a man counted for anything against a dollar…?"
- It means that nobody in the factory cared about anyone else, all they cared about was themselves and the money they were making.
- With global warming, pollution, and growth of industry happening in the world, people are not very concerned with the conservation of the environment, so the government had to intervene. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), enforces environmental laws by using administrative and civil actions, along with traditional police-type enforcement.
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